PUBLIC NOTICE: NON-CANDIDACY RECEIVED The Village Clerk for the Village of La Valle in Sauk County W...
PUBLIC NOTICE: NON-CANDIDACY RECEIVED The Village Clerk for the Village of La Valle in Sauk County W...
This is to let inform everyone that the Village Treasurer will not be at the Village Hall tonight du...
The water main break is now fixed. If you have any issues please feel free to contact the Village of...
The resources posted on this website are for use by the residents of the Village who are in need of help with their water and sewer bills with the upcoming increase implemented by the PSC (Public Service Commission). Please make direct contact with the agencies listed. The Village Board and the Village Employees are not responsible for assisting residents with assistance and are in no way affiliated to these resources. The resources are intended to guide people who are unable to locate these agencies on their own.